¡Bienvenidos al Contadora Island Inn!
El hotel Contadora Island Inn es un encantador Bed and Breakfast localizado en la Isla Contadora.
El hotel incluye dos casas, con cinco dormitorios cada una, que han sido completamente renovadas y que están localizadas en un área residencial muy tranquila a unos pocos minutos caminando de las playas cercanas.
La terraza delantera y trasera del hotel son vitrina de un área boscosa tropical nativa con exquisitas palmeras, flores indígenas y vida aviar.
Nuestro hotel es un maravilloso lugar donde quedarse, ya sea alquilando un cuarto o una casa completa, mientras se disfruta de unas vacaciones tropicales. ¡Hagas sus reservas online ahora!
El Viajero ve lo que ve.
El turista velo que ha venido a ver.
- G.K. Chesterton

Activities on Contadora
Except for great beach combing, there is also excellent snorkeling around the island, with fishing and island hopping tours as well. Our friends, Roxana and Guillermo at Coral Dreams Dive Shop can offer professional scuba diving and snorkeling tours. For those wanting to discover the island, golf carts are also available for rental.
DiscoverWhale Watching Tours
In the Pearl Islands we have crystal clear turquoise waters where you can swim, beach comb, snorkel as well as observe the whales and dolphins, as well as manta rays, sea turtles and even whale sharks that frequent these waters.
Take a peek at all the beauties the island has to offer. Step inside all the 5 rooms of the inn to find one that suits your taste or take a walk on the exquisite beaches of Contadora Island. We've prepared a nice slideshow animated gallery especially for you.
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